So what now?

Trying to wrap up everything neat and tidy at the end of an emotionally draining and stressful semester is like being a screen writer who only has one more episode to wrap up the storyline of a multi-season show …can someone say cliffhanger? Except there’s no cliffhanger at the end Read more…

Video Project Checkpoint

Shot list Scene: IntroductionOption 1: Wide shot of waves crashing against rocksOption 2: Medium shot of a person standing on a cliff overlooking the oceanOption 3: Close-up shot of person’s face looking contemplativeOption 4: Aerial shot of ocean wavesScene: Defining the ProblemOption 1: Wide shot of person standing on shore Read more…

Hope for My Podcast

Outline for Podcast -Audio Title: Anchored by Hope: A Christian Perspective Intro (0:00-0:10): Start with a gentle ambient sound in the background—maybe nature sounds or soft music. Let’s Begin: (0:10-0:20 ) Introduce the topic: “In life’s stormiest seas, hope anchors us through faith.” Personal anecdote or relatable situation: “ Part Read more…

Digital Image Creation

The Only Limitation is Your Imagination As my mother and therapist would often tell me, I have quite the imagination! When i was younger, I could come up with the most imaginative stories of fairies in our garden or mid-night adventures with my invisible friend, Jack. To this day, I Read more…

Roll Credits

A little bit of appreciation goes a long way I think of being a content creator in the digital age a kin to a paralegal working at a law firm – one does all the work while the other reaps the rewards and benefits. In the law office, it’s the Read more…

animated image of the blue caterpillar from the Disney Alice in Wonderland blowing smoke words "Who Are You?"

Who Am I?

The whole concept of identity is based on an individual’s quest to answer this exact question – “Who Am I?” As a Psychology major, I can give you in depth analyses of how a person’s identity is created, formed, manipulated or sustained, nurtured or hindered, throughout the course of their Read more…