Cultivating Hope – My Podcast (Audio)
Cultivating Hope – My Podcast (Audio)
I chose to do my podcast on “HOPE” because, despite my professor telling me that my original concept wouldn’t work for this assignment, I still felt relatively confident in my abilities and performance in the class, and proud of the work I was delivering despite the unfavourable circumstances I had found myself in recently. Of course, leave it to the universe, or Karma, or law of “Aw Come On!” to come crashing in and putting my ego in check. Because no sooner had I decided on this concept for my podcast that my life took a nose dive!
You see, as I was getting ready to write and publish the narrative for this podcast, my son and I both got sick and then shortly after, my family got news that my uncle had passed away. As you can imagine, these events didn’t exactly put me in the best frame of mind to be able to speak to you all on the concept of hope. But that’s not to say that HOPE wasn’t still there – in fact, it is during these difficult seasons that hope is sometimes the only thing there that keeps me going. And even though it took me a little longer than anticipated, I’m here now to share with you how hope got me through these recent storms and through many of the most trying times in my life.
When I started writing the script, I quickly realized that there was no way I was going to be able to fit all of it into a 2 minute recording. So I enlisted the help of my AI friend Copilot to help condense my idea into something that would fit the time constraints on the assignment, but still keep the bare bones of the message I wanted to share. If time allows, I will create a post later on and add a link here if anyone is interested in the raw, uncut version of what hope really means to me in this season of life I’m currently in.
Audio for my podcast was recorded using because I thought I’d be able to edit the file and add the video portion (for project 8) to it from within the same application. However, since I was, at this point, now a week and a half behind in the class, (also I couldn’t find where I’d saved the file on my computer), I decided to just use Microsoft Clipchamp to create both the audio and visual projects (projects 7 and 8 respectively) at the same time. But Professor Cartland requested two separate blog posts so here is my attempt to backtrack and relay my efforts in a way that resembles some form of coherent competency.
Intro audio (Title clip): voice recorded by me, Kim Frisbee; sound effects by Clipchamp
Background music: Drifting Away (Paradiso Mix) by Faithless. It’s the first track on “Euphoria: Level 3 – A Higher State of Trance“, a eurotrance CD that I’ve had since a trip to England back in 1999. The CD still miraculously plays perfectly in my car which is where I recorded the sound from actually. I clipped the audio from this video I recorded using my Samsung Galaxy A54 as a dashcam last year. You can also listen to the song on YouTube here.
Additional Audio Track and video clips: Worthy of being Loved by We Are Messengers filmed by me at a performance at a local church, Grace Church of Fredericksburg August 3rd, 2024.
Images: Stock images attained through Microsoft Clipchamp
Video clips and images (timestamps 00:40; 00:48; 01:02-01:07; 01:16-01:19; 01:22-01:36): recorded and filmed by me, KFrisbee
Intro and outro graphics: Created by me, Kfrisbee using PicsArt Studio for Android
All content, written and visual, expressed within are created by Kimberly Frisbee, unless otherwise attributed, and is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
AI Copilot helped me condense the script
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Hi, my name is Kim, and this is Kim's
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Corner. Today I'm going to talk to you a
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little bit about hope, and what that
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means to me personally, and hopefully
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show you how it can help you through even
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the stormiest seasons of life. So
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what is hope anyway?Well, I think
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hope is a uniquely personal response to
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challenging times. For me, as a
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Catholic, I find my greatest hope comes
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in my personal trust that God will see me
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through these hard times,because He has
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gotten me through some really dark times
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before, and it is that trust that keeps
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me holding on to the hope that this too
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shall pass. Some other ways to
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cultivate hope in your own life include:
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Daily gratitude practice. Start or
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end your day by listing three things
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you're grateful for. It may seem small,
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but it refocuses your mind on the
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positive. Scripture
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meditation. Reflect on hope-filled
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Bible verses. Pick one each week and
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meditate on its meaning. Journaling.
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Write down your thoughts and prayers. It
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can help you process emotions and see
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progress over time. Acts of
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service. Helping others
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can shift your perspective and bring a
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sense of fulfillment. Worship music.
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Listen to uplifting songs that remind you
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it's your worthy of being
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of God's promises. Connect with aloved.
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mentor. Seek
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wisdom and encouragement from someone you
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trust within your church or community.
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And oh, I need you to hear
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Hope is a unique yet powerful ally for
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change. So embrace it, nurture
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this. And I would miss you very
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it, and let it guide you on your journey.
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And know that wherever that journey takes
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you, whatever challenges you face, there
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Oh, I need you to hear this That
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is always hope, and you are not alone.
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Thank you for tuning in, and may God
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bless you always. Until next time, this
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is Kim's Corner.
Resources & References
• Daily Gratitude Practice: This article from Harvard Health blog discusses the benefits of gratitude and how it can improve mental health.
• Scripture Meditation: Bible Gateway provides a comprehensive resource for Bible verses focused on hope and meditation.
• Journaling: Positive Psychology explains how journaling can help process emotions and enhance well-being.
• Acts of Service: Greater Good Science Center published an article on how helping others can improve your well-being and sense of fulfillment.
• Worship Music: Repeat, Replay’s article explains how worship songs connect us to something greater than ourselves, reminding us of the divine presence that guides us through life’s challenges.
• Connect with a Mentor: offers a wide range of resources that explain the benefits that having a positive mentor can have in one’s life. There’s a podast titled, “CMWS October 2024: Cultivating Wellness and Resilience: The Power of Hope“, that really illustrates the impact that mentorship has on hope.
1 Comment
Kim’s Corner: On Cultivating Hope (video) – My Beautiful, Messy Mind · 2024-11-26 at 8:52 pm
[…] Cultivating Hope – My Podcast (Audio) […]