Digital Image Creation

Published by admin_kfrisbee on

The Only Limitation is Your Imagination

As my mother and therapist would often tell me, I have quite the imagination! When i was younger, I could come up with the most imaginative stories of fairies in our garden or mid-night adventures with my invisible friend, Jack. To this day, I still enjoy escaping into my imagination and creating stories to tell my son who continuously begs me to publish a book with himi as the main character. But while my mind can take me to the fairy world and far beyond what others can only dream about, without art, or imagery, these worlds remain locked away in my mind. Because, you see, I am creative, but I am not artistic. That is a trait that my older brother and son somehow have, but that gene skipped over me completely. And while, most of the stuff that populates my brain on a regular basis is probably best left there, some of the creative ideas that I’ve come up with over the years has always longed to be experienced outside the constrains of my own imagination. I could write it out and describe how amazing these ideas and places were, and often did, but I feel like there was always something missing; they lacked depth and character – they lacked imagery. Now, with the dawn of AI, I am finally able to make these fantasies come alive!

smiling young girl wearing glasses flies out of her bedroom window into a beautiful, sunny garden accompanied by her fairy friends
Image created with Copilot; designed by me, KF

A Picture Really is Worth A Thousand Words

Just as my stories of garden fairies and trips to a hidden CandyLand in the clouds needed imagery to come to life, so, too, do the ideas expressed on a website. Pictures give depth and meaning to the words we express and as such, should accurately and clearly relate to the messages we are trying to portray.

For my domain, I chose to use a photo editing app on Android that I have been using since it’s inception nearly two decades ago. It’s called PicsArt and while there is a desktop version for the computer, I primarily use it on my Samsung Galaxy smartphone because I’m more familiar with using it there. PicsArt, like the rest of technology, has come a long way since the early 2000’s, and now offers AI enhancements to photos and AI generated images which is what I used to create the logo and icon for this subdomain of my website. I entered in the text “colourful brain and book representing neurodiversity” into the text field and PicsArt came up with several options which I then picked 2 and tweaked to better fit what I wanted to see. The result was the following two pictures:

two pictures, one of an open book with a brain sitting on it with a clipart heart in front and the text "My Beautiful, Messy Mind" above the book, and "Living and Learning with Neurodiversity" below the book; the other picture is of a colourful clipart brain with the text "my beautiful, messy mind' transposed over it.
two images created by Kfrisbee using Picsart for Android

However, after speaking with Professor Cartland, I ended up reworking the main image on my landing page to better fit the space and making the favicon less crowded. These are the final images, both created and edited as png’s in Picsart. (Hope they work because this assignment is already late…)

rainbow coloured clipart style brain transposed over an open book surrounded by flowers and butterfly that are colourless
created by me, Kfrisbee using PicsArt for Android
open book with a brain sitting on it with a clipart heart in front
created by kfrisbee using PicsArt for Android

I created these images to illustrate the message that neurodiversity should be celebrated as beautiful and unique; that my brain is beautiful and so is yours too; and I can still make beautiful things come from the messiness of my mind. And I hope there’s a message of hope to be found there.

Categories: Project Blogs


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