So what now?
Trying to wrap up everything neat and tidy at the end of an emotionally draining and stressful semester is like being a screen writer who only has one more episode to wrap up the storyline of a multi-season show …can someone say cliffhanger? Except there’s no cliffhanger at the end this time, it all comes down to this last post. (Unless of course I fail this course and have to retake it, wouldn’t that be a PLOT TWIST?! But hopefully that won’t be the case and I will have done enough to skirt by with a passing grade, because even though I actually quite enjoyed this class and couldn’t have asked for a more patient and understanding professor, the idea of failing anything and having to start over from the beginning kinda makes me nauseous and want to cry – and this past year has brought far too many season’s of tears for me already. So, this is what I have to present, though I know I’m capable of more – more ideas, more digital artwork, more funny stories that might make sense to someone out there; what I don’t have any more of is time. Time is a thief of promise that robs people like me of reaching their true potential. But we don’t have time to unwrap all of that now…
▢ Media/source credit
Most of the images I’ve included on my domain and subdomains have been created by me with help from AI occassionally, through my favourite photo editing app for android, PicsArt.
▢ Information accuracy
Any information provided by me on any of my domain pages is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge at the time of publication.
▢ What copyright license you chose for your project site and work (and why you chose it)
All content, whether written and visual, expressed within this domain and any relative subdomains are created by Kimberly Frisbee, unless otherwise attributed, and is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
▢ Any help you got from AI
▢ The process of making your site and any media you created (software and tools you used)
I tried to tie in all of the different aspects of my story into one central landing page with links and branches that connect to my personal blog, Brave Borderline, my school portfolio (this site) My Beautiful, Messy Mind, and a few hobbies and interests that I’ve started at some point in recent years and never followed through on, such as my Mary Kay side gig (my shop is still open if you need presents for family member or self-care gifts!), and links to various resources and information and community support avenues which really would have wrapped up my website and this final so perfectly! SPOILER ALERT: Not everything made it onto my website in time. But keep checking back if you’re interested bc I will keep working on it, even if it takes me another year to complete!